HANDMADE® is an ethical and sustainable fashion brand making leather shoes and bags

What does it mean that HANDMADE® is a sustainable and ethical fashion brand?

  • Firstly it means that our customers know that when they wear our shoes and accessories they know it is sweatshop free, and healthy (no chromium-6).
  • Secondly, our customers feel good knowing that they are getting a great price, because we sell directly to them. By cutting out the middlemen we reduce prices by over half. This is how we are able to sell our €400 shoes for €149.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, they look great. Wearing handmade leather shoes is unique these days and makes us stand out, because normally people opt to wear cheap and mass-produced shoes from low cost factories. We perceive that there is no substitution for quality, and so does our customers.



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